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Barnabas, The Black Preacher
Boone County, Kentucky
By Robert E. Kirtley

     Barnabas is mentioned by R. E. Kirtley as a black preacher at the Sand Run Baptist Church.
He "was not overlooked in this work of bringing all the tithes into the store-house of the Lord. He was encouraged to exercise his gifts, to edification and profit of the colored members." [1820s]

     (Editor's note: The reference to Barnabas' "tithes" and "gifts" means his preaching ability and leadership. The black members were not expected to contribute financially to the churches. Only "free, white males" were expected to contribute and they were assessed according to their financial ability; this is noted often in their church records. - Jim Duvall)

[From the History of Sand Run Baptist Church, North Bend Baptist Association (KY) Minutes, 1876, p. 9. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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