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Our New Mountain School
A Noble Showing
By Rev. H. L. M'Murry
      At the Southern Baptist Convention at Norfolk last May a strong resolution was unanimously passed directing the Home Board to spend at least $6,000 in education in the mountains of the South, and the General Association of Kentucky adopted the report of the Executive Board which advised the establishment of ten more schools in the mountains of our State, one in Central Eastern Kentucky, and another in the Northeastern part. At the same that these two suggestions were coming from so widely different sources, a missionary of the State Board was quietly moving through the counties of East-Central Kentucky talking "school" and seeking to arouse the leading Baptists to a movement along that line. Four large associations covering eight or nine counties agreed to co-operate in an effort. A Board of Trustees appointed by the associations was organized October 3, 1898, and at once decided to accept the offer of a frame building of two rooms at Burning Springs, Clay county, and to begin a school January 2, 1899. Prof. J. A. Burns, a native mountaineer, educated at Denison University, Ohio, was chosen principal. Soon it was discerned that a new building would be needed with two more teachers. Rev. R. L. Baker and Miss Etta Smith were chosen and logs for the new house began to roll toward the saw mill. The natural gas well (which belongs to the school) was bored and arranged to season the material for the house. Some brethren gave logs, others labor, others shingles, etc., until the house is nearly finished, almost without "money" if not without "price." School opened, and at present there are in our primary department 20; intermediate, 40; normal, 64; total actually in school, 124. Of these 42 are girls and 82 are boys.

      Thus the special Providence of God is seen in moving upon the great Baptist hearts of the South. Is not our prayer answered? Is not this an offspring of our Baptist Zion, born of travail? Will we own the child? I have already received kind, encouraging letters from some of our prominent brethren and sisters. I would like to hear from each reader of this article if the Holy Spirit had inclined his heart toward mountain education. I would also be glad to correspond with any churches that are looking in this direction.
      Burning Springs, KY.


[From The Baptist Argus, February 9, 1899, p. 4. Transcribed and scanned by Jim Duvall.]

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