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Bethel College
Russellville, Kentucky
The Baptist World, 1915
      The following was included in a resolution commending Bethel College to the Baptists of western Kentucky, by the Muhlenburg Association, Ed S. Wood clerk, at its recent meeting:
"Whereas, Bro. R. H. Tandy has been unanimously and enthusiastically selected by the board of trustees as field representative for Bethel College and has accepted to begin work September 1; therefore be it resolved:

First, That we rejoice in the evidence of quickened interest upon the part of our people in Bethel College; in the earnest efforts of faculty and trustees to bring the college into closer fellowship and touch with our people; and in their endeavor to make it a more distinctly denominational asset.

Second, That we pledge to Bro. Tandy our most cordial, hearty support in this new field of enlistment of our churches in our denominational work; and urge our pastors and churches everywhere to give him an open door and a sympathetic hearing to his appeals for denominational education."


[From The Baptist World, September 9, 1915, p. 21, via Baylor U. digital collection.better Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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