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Liquid Grace
(Infant Sprinkling)
By H. Petty

      "It is not the will of your Father who is in Heaven, that one of these little ones should perish."

      Matt. 18:14, How sweetly does a little babe Rest on its mother's breast, So free from guile, no conscious guilt, 'Twas such that Jesus blest.

      Can it be true that such an one Has need of priestly rite, To give it place at God's right hand, Clothed in the purest white?

      Can it be true that Christ will say To such an one depart, You were not laved by priestly hands, You are denied at heart?

      Can it be true that Heaven's gates Will evermore be shut To all upon whose infant brows No pearly drops were put?

      Can it be true that Infant hearts Must thus be made anew? Then millions of the human race To Heaven must bid adieu.

      Oh! who would charge the Holy One With any such decree, That only those thus touched and sealed. "Regenerate" can be?

      Who can believe the tree of life is barred to souls like these, Because for want of liquid grace The Master is displeased?

      And who will say such guileless souls Can never enter Heaven, Because, alas! a Romish rite.


"The essay with some slight verbal changes, was read before the "Minister Meeting" of the Roanoke Association, held with the Baptist Church at Lynch's, Campbell county, Va., March 29th, 1890, and published by request of the meeting." The above portion of the essay is the last page of the booklet.

[From H. Petty's Booklet, How Infants Are Saved, p. 15; via Archives SBTS, Adam Winters, Archivist. The title of this portion is changed. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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