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J. M. Stifler, D. D.
Early Baptist Minister and Educator

      J. M. Stifler, D. D., Professor of New Testament Exegesis, in Crozer University, Pennsylvania, is a native of that State, but spent his early life in Illinois. He is forty-nine years of age, a graduate, with first honors, of Shurtleff College, and one of the first preachers, in our judgment, in the country. He preached two successive Sabbaths in the Second Baptist Church, St. Louis, and declined, as we have been told, all intimation of an invitation to settle there as pastor. His article in this number of the REPOSITORY (1888) "About Heaven," is remarkable for a Theological Professor. Few of them are premillenarians. Those passages in the Bible which speak of the coming of the Son of man, at a time when the Man of Sin will be in full sway, when it will be like the days of Noah and Lot, are generally glossed or passed over. Dr. Stifler speaks out his convictions. We hope his able and inspiring essay will be generally read.
          S. H. Ford


[From Samuel H. Ford, editor, Ford's Christian Repository & Home Circle, Volume 46, 1888, pp. 25-32. Documents from Google Books On-line. Scanned and formatted by Jim Duvall.]

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